Salesforce CPQ in the Wild course is Launched!

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  1. Let's deserialize the batch companies info JSON response we got back

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  2. Alright, let's make a POST callout now and serialize the input

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  3. Extract the access_token and get the company record using the token

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  4. Trade the auth code for access_token

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  5. Inject the Auth code from VF to LWC and hold the state of the data

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  6. I need to change the redirect URL and make things dynamic

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  7. Why do I need to use window.location.href and not Navigation Mixin?

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  8. Creating a LWC component and exposing it as a Lightning Tab

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  9. Using Postman App to get the JSON response

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  10. Testing the API using HubSpot native playground

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  11. HubSpot account creation, app creation and implementing Auth code grant type authentication

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  12. Let's automate stuff with a Product Rule and then wrap it up

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  13. Add product image to QLE

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  14. Let's spice up the product search view

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  15. Now let's configure the Discount Schedules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  16. Let's configure the last product - Enterprise Plan

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  17. Configure the second bundle product - Pro Plan

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  18. Add features to make the configuration of the products easy

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  19. Configure another add-on product Instructor Led Training

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  20. Configure Certification Coupons add-on Product

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  21. Configure the first bundled Product - Starter Plan

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  22. Walk through of the project

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  23. Adding Localisation to Custom Quote Templates

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  24. Providing multiple file formats to save Contracts & where the contracts are stored

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  25. Display Discount Schedule on Quote PDF

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  26. Conditionally render columns on the Quote PDF

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  27. Filtering the Quote Lines displayed on the Quote PDF

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  28. Exploring the commonly used fields on Template Section

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  29. Watermarking the Quote PDFs and adding logos to Quote Templates

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  30. Adding other PDFs to Quote Template

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  31. Adding HTML to the custom Quote Template

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  32. Adding Quote Terms conditionally to the custom Quote Template

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  33. Adding Quote Terms to the custom Quote Template

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  34. Adding Quote Lines to the custom Quote Template

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  35. Creating a Custom Quote Template and customizing it

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  36. Consolidate & Renew multiple Contracts to single Contract

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  37. Asset Renewal process end-to-end flow

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  38. How does Contract Renewal work and the end-to-end flow

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  39. Asset Amendment process end-to-end flow

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  40. How to Amend contracts and the end-to-end flow

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  41. Contract Amendments & Renewals

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  42. Price Rules Scenario #4

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  43. Price Rules Scenario #3

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  44. Price Rules Scenario #2

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  45. Price Rules Scenario #1

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  46. Price Rules introduction and a hands on scenario

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  47. Price Rules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  48. Let's have a look at all the left over fields on Discount Schedule

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  49. All about discount fields on Quote and Quote Line Item

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  50. All about the pricing fields on Quote and Quote Line Items

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  51. How is Net Price field calculated?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  52. How is Partner Price field calculated?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  53. How is Customer Price field calculated?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  54. What happens when the Sales Rep modifies Discount Schedule?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  55. What is the purpose of Override Behavior in Discount Schedules?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  56. What does the field 'Cross Orders' do in Discount Schedules?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  57. What does the field 'Cross Product' do in Discount Schedules?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  58. Let's explore the fields Type, Discount Unit and Aggregation Scope in Discount Schedules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  59. How Discount Schedules influences Regular Price Field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  60. Discount Schedules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  61. How Product Option Discount influences Special Price field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  62. How Contracted Price influences Special Price field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  63. How Cost plus Markup Price influences Special Price field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  64. How Option Price Override influences List Price field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  65. How Percentage of Total [POT] influences List Price field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  66. What is Overage Pricing and when do we need it?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  67. How Block Pricing influences List Price field?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  68. How is Original Price field calculated?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  69. Pricing Methods

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  70. What? Can we modify the fields displayed on the Consumption Schedules on QLE? Yes!

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  71. Data flow in Consumption Schedules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  72. How to configure Usage based products 2/2?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  73. How to configure Usage based products 1/2?

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  74. Usage based products

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  75. Introduction & Configuring yearly, monthly, custom billing periods in MDQ Products

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  76. Multi-Dimensional Quoting (MDQ) products

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  77. Let's look at how to use configuration attributes in Product Rules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  78. Creating dynamic bundles using Product Rules.

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  79. How to use summary variables in Product Rules

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  80. Product rules with Quote & Quote Lines object

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  81. Type as selection

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  82. Type is Validation and Alert 2/2

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  83. Introduction, Type is Validation and Alert 1/2

    Salesforce CPQ in the Wild

  84. Action button are in GA now!

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  85. Perform upsert operation using Create Record DML block

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  86. Choice lookup now accepts multiple user inputs

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  87. Let's start with some UI enhancements

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  88. View summary - in Public groups

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  89. Access Granted By - feature on View Summary of the user record

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  90. New option "Object Access" available on sObjects

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  91. A new component Dynamic Highlights Panel is around the corner

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  92. Users now have Lightning list views!

    What's new in Winter '25 Release

  93. Configuring Github Provider Type using Per User Identity Type

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  94. Working with Github Provider Type

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  95. How and when to use Per User Identity Type in principle

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  96. Make a call out using Named Principle Identity Type

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  97. Implement the end-to-end External Credentials configuration

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  98. Apex implementation of PKCE 3/3

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  99. Apex implementation of PKCE 2/3

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

  100. A few design based decisions that we cannot skip discussing

    Salesforce Integration Master Course (Advanced Apex)

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