Let's get you signed up with a demo CPQ org Understanding end to end flow in CPQ Getting hands dirty by implementing the end to end flow Product Options
Create a stand alone product and add it to the Quote Line Editor Creating a new product and adding it in Quote Line Editor Difference between Standalone Products and Bundled Products 1/3 Difference between Standalone Products and Bundled Products 2/3 Difference between Standalone Products and Bundled Products 3/3 A few questions on Product Option records How can I *not* add the product price to the bundle product price? What is the purpose of Option Type? Further more understanding about Option Type = Component What happens when Option Type = Accessory in Product Options? And when is Option Type is set as Related Product? Flexibility we get with Quote Line Visibility field Let's fix why the sub products are not visible in Quote preview/document Features
UX improvement with features 1/3 UX improvement with features 2/3 UX improvement with features 3/3 Why do we have the Category field on Features? Purpose of Option Selection Method on Features Personalize the fields on Quote Line Editor Option Section Method in Product vs Feature Discount % and Discount Amount on Product Option Configure QLE, Product Selection & Configure Products
Configuration Type Vs Configuration Event Understanding the configuration a level deeper A few more product fields
Default quantity & Editable field on Product How to get precise quantity using Default scale? Batch Quantity on Product Sort order & Component fields on Product Asset amendment behavior field on Product Configuration Vs Inline Vs Global Attributes
What are configuration Attributes and How to set it up? What happens when I *do not* click Add to Product Options? I think Salesforce got it all wrong! Set up Config Attribute in Feature Let's setup Inline Attributes Last, let's set up Global Attributes 1/2 Last, let's set up Global Attributes 2/2 Product Rules
Introduction, Type is Validation and Alert 1/2 Type is Validation and Alert 2/2 Product rules with Quote & Quote Lines object How to use summary variables in Product Rules Creating dynamic bundles using Product Rules Let's look at how to use configuration attributes in Product Rules Option Constraint
Introduction to Option Constraint Combining multiple Option Constraints to create guided flow Subscription based products
End-to-end flow of the Subscription based products Evergreen Products
How to configure and create Evergreen Products and a few gotchas Multi-Dimensional Quoting (MDQ) products
Introduction & Configuring yearly, monthly, custom billing periods Usage based products
How to configure Usage based products 1/2 How to configure Usage based products 2/2 Data flow in Consumption Schedules Can we modify the fields displayed on Consumption Schedules on QLE? Pricing Methods
How is Original Price field calculated? How Block Pricing influences List Price field? What is Overage Pricing and when do we need it? How Percentage of Total [POT] influences List Price field? How Option Price Override influences List Price field? How Cost plus Markup Price influences Special Price field? How Contracted Price influences Special Price field? How Product Option Discount influences Special Price field? Discount Schedules
How Discount Schedules influences Regular Price Field? Fields Type, Discount Unit and Aggregation Scope in Discount Schedules What does the field 'Cross Product' do in Discount Schedules? What does the field 'Cross Orders' do in Discount Schedules? What is the purpose of Override Behavior in Discount Schedules? What happens when the Sales Rep modifies Discount Schedule? How is Customer Price field calculated? How is Partner Price field calculated? How is Net Price field calculated? All about the pricing fields on Quote and Quote Line Items All about discount fields on Quote and Quote Line Item All the left over fields on Discount Schedule Price Rules
Price Rules introduction and a hands on scenario Contract Amendments & Renewals
How to Amend contracts and the end-to-end flow How does Contract Renewal work and the end-to-end flow Asset Amendment process end-to-end flow Asset Renewal process end-to-end flow Consolidate & Renew multiple Contracts to single Contract Quote Templates
Creating a Custom Quote Template and customising it Adding Quote Lines to the custom Quote Template Adding Quote Terms to the custom Quote Template Adding Quote Terms *conditionally* to the custom Quote Template Adding HTML to the custom Quote Template Adding other PDF's to Quote Template Watermarking the Quote pdf's and adding the logos to Quote Templates Exploring the commonly used fields on Template Section Filtering the Quote Lines being displayed on the Quote pdf Conditionally render columns on the Quote PDF Display Discount Schedule on Quote PDF Providing multiple file formats to save the Contracts Adding Localisation to Custom Quote Templates [Hands On] Manage EduSpark's Inventory
Walk through of the project Configure the first bundled Product - Starter Plan Configure Certification Coupons add-on Product Configure another add-on product Instructor Led Training Add features to make the configuration of the products easy Configure the second bundle product - Pro Plan Let's configure the last product - Enterprise Plan Now let's configure the Discount Schedules Let's spice up the product search view Let's automate stuff with a Product Rule and then wrap it up