Things to know about SOAP API & REST API 🤯
What's a request and response in general! Say Hey to API Tokens, Oauth 2.0 & Grant Types in REST API
Integrating Salesforce with Youtube [via API Token]
Making HTTP Callouts & handling response Parsing JSON HTTPResponse Using Wrapper Classes to strip JSON Response Iteration through Wrapper Class Dataset Making the Search Component Dynamic Refactoring the Apex Controller What's the real world problem that we are trying to solve here?
Integrating Salesforce with [via Authorization Code Grant Type]
Setting up your account Understanding Authorization Code Grant Type [Web Server Flow] Creating client id and client secret with Fetch Authorization code after successful login Exchange Authorisation code for Access Token Fetch and Deserialize files of a folder in using Access Token Displaying files list on a Visualforce Page from
Salesforce & HubSpot Integration [Auth Code Grant Type]
HubSpot account creation, app creation, and Auth code grant type authentication Testing the API using HubSpot native playground Using Postman App to get the JSON response Creating a LWC component and exposing it as a Lightning Tab Why do I need to use window.location.href and not Navigation Mixin? I need to change the redirect URL and make things dynamic Inject the Auth code from VF to LWC and hold the state of the data Trade the auth code for access_token Extract the access_token and get the company record using the token Alright, let's make a POST callout now and serialize the input Let's deserialize the batch companies info JSON response we got back Use Custom Metadata Types to replace hardcoded client_id and client_secret Use Custom Settings to store access_token, refresh_token and expires_in info Check if access_token is valid or not and reuse it Executing all three scenarios: fresh login, valid access_token, and expired access_token
Integrating Salesforce with using LWC [via Authorization Code Grant Type]
Create a LWC and expose it as a Tab Created another custom app in Dev console for Integration using LWC Page Reference vs Navigation Mixin vs window.location.href Fixing the issue with Lightning and query string params Let's first get the access token Now let's the files from a folder and display it in the LWC template A few design based decisions that we cannot skip discussing Refactor the code to make it fool proof! Get new access token using refresh token How to bypass uncomitted work pending exception Let's refactor the code again JSON.deserializeUntyped() is the samurai's katana Using custom metadata types to make the code generic
Integrating Salesforce w/ Third Party Platform [via PKCE Grant Type]
Introduction to Proof Key for Code Exchange [PKCE] Let's get to the bottom of it! Test the API using Postman Apex implementation of PKCE 1/3 Apex implementation of PKCE 2/3 Apex implementation of PKCE 3/3
Integrating Salesforce w/ Third Party Platform[via Implicit Flow]
Introduction to Implicit Flow Grant Type Testing API via Postman before we code it Using Apex to implement the Implicit Flow Grant Type
Integrating Salesforce w/ Third Party Platform [via Client Credentials]
Introduction to Client Credentials Grant Type A few changes we need to do before we test the API Testing the API using Postman Apex Implementation of Client Credentials Grant Type Using Apex to get files after getting Access Token
Integrating Salesforce w/ Third Party Platform [via Username & Password Flow]
Introduction to Username and Password Grant Type Testing the API using Postman Using Apex to Implement the Username and Password Grant Type
Slam Dunk Integration using Connected Apps
Purpose of Connected Apps? Integration using Web Server Flow Integration using Username & Password Flow
External Credentials & Named Credentials
Implement the end-to-end External Credentials configuration Make a call out using Named Principle Identity Type How and when to use Per User Identity Type in principle Making the endpoint in Named Credentials genetric Working with Github Provider Type Configuring Github Provider Type using Per User Identity Type
Single Sign-On
Single Sign-On, why and how? Things to know about Registration Handler Auto Created Registration Handler Apex classes Understanding the URL in SSO Enabling SSO for communities
Create REST API using Apex
Create a GET method using Apex REST Service Creating a Connected App and testing the API via Postman Understanding the properties of RestContext, RestRequest & RestResponse Create a POST method using Apex REST Service Deserializing Sobject params in a POST method Deserialising complex params in a POST method Return response from a POST method using RestContext Create a DELETE method using Apex REST Service Few gotchas about Apex REST Framework
Extend Salesforce Horizon with Platform Events
Platform Events, Introduction How to fire a Platform Event from Process Builder? Fire a Platform Event using Flows Fire a Platform Event using Apex Fire a Platform Event with the help of API How to debug the Platform Events fired? Subscribe to the Platform Events using Process Builder Subscribe to the Platform Event using Flows Subscribe to the Platform Event using Triggers Subscribe to the Platform Event using Aura Components Subscribe to the Platform Event using Lightning Web Components
What's up with BULK API V2.0?
Introduction and Inserting records using BULK API V2.0 Let's query some data using BULK API 2.0 Delete records using BULK API 2.0 Let's work on a scenario part - 1/4 Let's work on a scenario part - 2/4 Let's work on a scenario part - 3/4 Let's work on a scenario part - 4/4
Chatter API
Introduction to Chatter Connect API At-mentioning a user using Chatter Connect API Post a comment programmatically using Chatter Connect API Comment with a file using Chatter Connect Api
Streaming API
Introduction & Implementing a subscriber using Aura Component Implementing a Subscriber using LWC
Tooling API
Introduction to Tooling API and when to use it?
JWT [JSON Web Tokens]
Introduction, Terminology, Working & Demo Creating Public Key, Private Key and Certificate Creating connected app and uploading the certificate Creating required classes, specifying the algorithm & framing the payload Generating the assertion or signature Fixing some interesting errors Get list view details from the destination Org Winding up JWT by refactoring the code
Metadata API
Create Custom Objects using Metadata API
Salesforce to Salesforce Integration
Everything you need to know about end to end Salesforce to Salesforce Integration